Daniel Johnson

Daniel Johnson
Daniel Johnson attended state schools and Magdalen College, Oxford, graduating with a First in Modern History in 1978. As a foreign correspondent for the Daily Telegraph, covering Germany and Eastern Europe, he participated in the fall of the Berlin Wall. He is an acknowledged expert on German history and culture. At The Times he was Literary Editor and Comment Editor, then Associate Editor of the Telegraph. In 2008 he founded the monthly magazine Standpoint and edited it for 11 years. He is now Editor and co-founder of the online platform TheArticle and a Contributing Editor for The Critic, while writing regularly for the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail. He has contributed to many publications on both sides of the Atlantic and is the author of White King and Red Queen: How the Cold War was fought on the Chessboard (2007). As a speaker he has lectured in the US, Europe, Australia and Israel. A regular guest broadcaster for the BBC and LBC, he has spoken at the Oxford and Cambridge Union Societies and many other events. His father was the author and historian Paul Johnson. With his wife Sarah he has four children and two grandchildren.