Gabriel Byng

Gabriel Byng
Gabriel Byng is an historian and art historian at the University of Vienna. He works on a range of themes from the history of architecture and objects to social change and gender, with a focus on premodern Europe. His first book appeared with Cambridge University Press in 2017 and since then he has published numerous articles and reviews in academic journals across Europe and America.
Born in London, Gabriel studied at Cambridge and the Courtauld, before returning to Cambridge to write his PhD. Since then, he has held a Research Fellowship at Clare Hall, Cambridge, a Richard Plaschka Fellowship at the OeAD, and a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship from the EU. In Vienna, he runs a major FWF Project studying the works of the so-called ‘German mystics’.
He has won many awards for his research, including a Dan David Prize scholarship from the University of Tel Aviv, the Reginald Taylor Essay Prize from the British Archaeological Association, and Best Multi-Authored Book from the Historians of British Art. He has also been awarded numerous visiting fellowships, including at the University of Chicago and the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel, Germany, and leads a CENTRAL research network connecting scholars in Vienna, Budapest and Prague.