Richard Aldous

Richard Aldous
Richard Aldous is a historian of transatlantic politics and culture. His ten books and three co-edited collections include The Lion and Unicorn: Gladstone vs. Disraeli; Tunes of Glory: The Life of Malcolm Sargent; Reagan and Thatcher: The Difficult Relationship; Macmillan, Eisenhower and the Cold War; Tony Ryan; Schlesinger: The Imperial Historian, and most recently, The Dillon Era: Douglas Dillon in the Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson Administrations. His Great Irish Speeches was a No. 1 bestseller.
Richard teaches history at Bard College, New York, where he is Eugene Meyer Distinguished Professor of History. He is a founding member of the editorial team at American Purpose magazine and presents its weekly Bookstack podcast. Richard writes regularly for publications including the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and the New York Times, and has made numerous appearances on CNN, Fox News, the BBC, RTÉ and other broadcasters. He is the royal expert for Spectrum News national network.