Dr Marion Turner on BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio 3

Dr Marion Turner's biography CHAUCER: A European Life was published by Princeton University Press in March 2019.

On 6th May, she was a guest of Andrew Marr on BBC Radio 4 Start the Week.

'Chaucer is renowned as the father of English literature. But in a new biography Marion Turner argues he is a far more cosmopolitan writer and thinker than we might assume. She tells Andrew Marr how the 14th-century author of The Canterbury Tales moved from the commercial wharves of London to the chapels of Florence, and from a spell as a prisoner of war in France to the role of diplomat in Milan.'

To listen to the full episode, click here

On 8th May at 10 pm, the biography CHAUCER was read by Anne McElvoy on BBC Radio 3 Free Thinking.

To listen to the episode, click here