Mark Glancy featured in BBC One documentary 'Becoming Cary Grant'

The documentary film ‘Becoming Cary Grant’ featuring Mark Glancy is broadcast on Alan Yentob’s BBC ONE ‘Imagine’ on Tuesday 30th October at 22.45.

Cary Grant was one of Hollywood's greatest leading men - suave, sophisticated and as comfortable in romantic comedies as he was in iconic Hitchcock thrillers. imagine... 'Becoming Cary Grant' tells the unexpected story of this Hollywood icon who was not all he seemed on screen. With readings from his unpublished autobiography spoken by actor Jonathan Pryce and newly discovered footage shot by Grant himself this is a revealing and fascinating insight into this troubled legend of cinema.

Mark Glancy is Reader in Film History at Queen Mary University of London and his biography of Cary Grant will be published by Oxford University Press in 2020.