I am Justice: A Journey Out Of Africa

I am Justice: A Journey Out Of Africa
Eighty miles off the North African coast, a tiny fibreglass boat is sinking. The twenty-seven men crammed on board are desperately trying to bail it out, but the weather is closing in. Then one of them spots a ship on the horizon. They change course and head for their only hope of survival. But when they arrive, there’s an unexpected reception.
The men end up stranded on the floats of a giant fishing net as their boat finally rolls over and disappears beneath the Mediterranean Sea.
Justice Amin is exhausted, cold and soaked, but at least he has something to cling on to.
As night comes, all hope of rescue fade and Justice is left drifting in a hazy place between Africa and Europe, darkness and light, innocence and experience.
Justice’s journey began in Ghana, at the hands of his abusive uncle. Determined to make something of his life, he fled across the Sahara Desert, before being captured, jailed and tortured. After a time he managed to escape and headed for the people smugglers of Libya, who he hoped would sail him to freedom, and property across the sea to Britain, the “home country”.