The Meaning of Sport
The Meaning of Sport
In The Meaning of Sport, award-winning sportswriter Simon Barnes gives you his grandstand seat for a journey from the Olympic Games in Athens to the World Cup in Germany, via the Ashes series, the Ryder Cup, Wimbledon, and more.
He examines why sport holds us all in such thrall, how it uplifts and crushes us – and can seem to matter more than life itself. He challenges us to recognise the intelligence of Wayne Rooney, the making of Freddie Flintoff, the mythic nature of Steve Redgrave; and he ponders the ultimate cruelty of the game.
This is the book which asks the questions no one else has thought of, and finds some surprising answers. It is a celebration of the immensity of sport, the sheer heart-thumping, heart-breaking, life-enhancing excitement of extraordinary physical endeavour.