After the Storm

After the Storm
Published by Atlantic on 5th May 2015

Vince Cable’s bestselling book, The Storm, explored and explained the causes of the 2008 world economic crisis and how Britain should respond to the great challenges it brought. In After the Storm, Cable, who was Business Secretary in the 2010-2015 coalition government, provides a unique perspective on the state of the global financial markets and how the British economy has fared since 2008, and offers his vision for the way the UK economy should be steered into the future.

This timely book will provide a previously unreported inside view of the coalition, and offers a carefully considered perspective on how the British economy should be managed over the next decade and beyond. What was sadly missing from the 2015 election campaign, Cable argues, was debate around the economic future of Britain, of how to make improvements in productivity to raise living standards, and above all how Britain can rebalance its economy and earn its keep in an increasingly uncertain global market. These are issues Cable will address from the vantage point of having spent the last five years at the heart of government.

After the Storm: The World Economy and Britain’s Economic Future is a fascinating and urgent intervention from one of the key figures in British politics of the past two decades.